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Sign in repudiation of the extrajudicial execution of Humberto Morales, a 13 year old child and member of the FNLS in Chiapas

Sunday 5 March 2017, by Comité Cerezo México

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Estamos enterados de la Ejecución extrajudicial contra el menor Humberto Morales Sántiz de 13 años de edad, del la comunidad de El Carrizal, del Frente Nacional de Lucha por el Socialismo en Chiapas. /We have learned of the Extrajudicial Execution against Humberto Morales Sántiz, a 13-year-old child from the El Carrizal community and a member of the National Front for the Struggle for Socialism (FNLS) in Chiapas.

Por lo cual, exigimos a las autoridades mexicanas:/We demand that the Mexican Government:

• Realizar una investigación inmediata, exhaustiva e imparcial sobre los hechos descritos, y que los resultados de la investigación se hagan públicos y que los responsables de esos hechos comparezcan ante la justicia. / Carry out an immediate, exhaustive, and impartial investigation into the events described, make the results of the investigation public, and hold responsible those who are found to be guilty.
• Tomar de manera inmediata las medidas apropiadas para garantizar la seguridad e integridad física y psicológica de los padres de Humberto Morales Sántiz y de todos los integrantes del FNLS en la comunidad del Carrizalillo, municipio de Ocosingo, Chiapas. / Take immediate measures to guarantee the security and physical and psychological integrity of the parents of Humberto Morales Sántiz and all the members of the FNLS in the community of El Carrizalillo in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas.
• Desmantelar al grupo paramilitar “Los Petules”, investigar y sancionar a los agentes estatales y federales responsables de crear, financiar, entrenar y/o proteger a los paramilitares de dicho grupo. / Dismantle the paramilitary group “Los Petules,” investigate and punish the state and federal officials who are responsible for creating, financing, training, and/or protecting the members of said paramilitary group.
• De manera general, conformar sus acciones a lo dispuesto por los Pactos y Convenciones Internacionales de derechos humanos firmados y ratificados por México. / In general, guide its actions by the stipulations of the international human rights agreements and conventions that Mexico has signed and ratified.

Si firmas como organización favor de sólo poner el nombre de esta / If you are signing as an organization, please only put the organization name

Importante: / Important
Al envíar esta información, autorizo al Comité Cerezo México comunicar en mi nombre estas solicitudes.
By sending this information, I authorize the Comité Cerezo México to issue this petition on my behalf

*Esta información no será distribuida a terceras partes.
*This information will not be shared with third parties

Autorizo al Comité Cerezo México

para informarme de próximas Acciones Urgentes

Urgent Action

AU-01-Chiapas/FNLS-04 de marzo de 2017

Extrajudicial Execution of Humberto Morales Sántiz, a 13-year-old child and member of the National Front for the Struggle for Socialism in Chiapas (FNLS for its initials in Spanish).

Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto
Presidente de la República
Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong
Secretario de Gobernación
Manuel Velazco Coello
Gobernador del Estado de Chiapas
Juan Carlos Gómez Aranda
Secretario de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas
Raciel López Salazar
Procurador General de Justicia de Chiapas
Luis Raúl González Pérez
Presidente de la CNDH
Juan Oscar Trinidad Palacios
Presidente de la CEDH
Jan Jarab
Representante en México de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de la ONU
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
Alto Comisionado para los derechos Humanos de la ONU
Paulo Abrao
Secretario Ejecutivo de la CIDH

The Comité Cerezo México (Calle Volcán Kirishima L. 6 Mz. 4, Colonia El Mirador III Secc. Delegación Tlalpan. CP 14449, telephone: 55 5655 9465, and email: comitecerezo@nodo50.org), the People’s Committee for Human Rights of the FNLS in Chiapas, and the Network for the Rights of the Child in Mexico (REDIM for its initials in Spanish) seek your urgent intervention faced with the:

Extrajudicial Execution of Humberto Morales Sántiz, a 13-year-old member of the National Front for the Struggle for Socialism in Chiapas.


According to the information shared by the People’s Committee for Human Rights of the FNLS in Chiapas:

Humberto Morales Sántiz, a child, left at 2 pm to the farmland of fellow members in search for firewood, which he and his family use to cook.

At 5 pm, his parents began to worry because it was getting late and Humberto Morales Sántiz had not come back. At this time, his father and another member of the FNLS went out in search for him, but were unable to find him.

With the help and solidarity of their fellow members of the ejido—communally held land—they found Humberto’s lifeless body at 8 pm. He was lying next to a pile of firewood and had a gunshot wound in the head.

While the search party for the child was underway, the state police—illegally stationed on the El Carrizal lands—were moving about in that place and kept the light on in their watchtowers.


We recall the Urgent Actions issued by the Comité Cerezo México where state and federal officials and members of the paramilitary group “Los Petules” in Chiapas have been involved in human rights violations against members of the FNLS.

UA-02-Chiapas/FNLS—23/March/2016 Forced disappearance of the indigenous man Fidencio Gómez Sántiz (member of the National Front for the Struggle for Socialism) in Ocosingo, Chiapas.

Front Line Defenders: History of the case: Fidencio Gómez Sántiz

UA-01-Chiapas/OCEZ-FNLS—13/January/2016 about the extrajudicial execution attempt against a child member of the Farmer Organization Emiliano Zapata—National Front for the Struggle for Socialism (OCEZ-FNLS for its initials in Spanish) in Cuxuljá, Ocosingo, Chiapas.

UA-06-DF/-FNLS—07/November/2015 where we denounce the extrajudicial execution attempt in Mexico City against Matias Flores, an indigenous Nahuatl member of the Human Rights Committee of the Huastecas and Eastern Sierra (CODHHSO for its initials in Spanish); Jesús Hernández Reyes and Rubicél Hernández García, Nahuatl indigenous men and commissioners of the FNLS in charge of denouncing the extrajudicial execution of Héctor Sántiz López in Chiapas.

UA-05-Chiapas/OCEZ-FNLS—02/November/2015 in which the Extrajudicial Execution of Héctor Sántiz López was denounced as well as the threat of the extrajudicial execution against the leader Ramiro Sántiz López, family members, and members of the OCEZ-FNLS in El Carrizal. An Urgent Action alert was also issued by the international organization Frontline Defenders on November 2015 for these same incidents.

As a result of these actions, the Comité Cerezo México and the People’s Committee for Human Rights of the FNLS in Chiapas demand that the Mexican government:

  • Carry out an immediate, exhaustive, and impartial investigation into the events described, make the results of the investigation public, and hold responsible those who are found to be guilty.
  • Take immediate measures to guarantee the security and physical and psychological integrity of the parents of Humberto Morales Sántiz and all the members of the FNLS in the community of El Carrizalillo in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas.
  • Dismantle the paramilitary group “Los Petules,” investigate and punish the state and federal officials who are responsible for creating, financing, training, and/or protecting the members of said paramilitary group.
  • In general, guide its actions by the stipulations of the international human rights agreements and conventions that Mexico has signed and ratified.

We ask that national and international human rights organizations:

  • To the best of their ability, make their concern known to the Mexican Government faced with the severity of these events and urge the Mexican Government to meet the demands outlined in this petition.

Kind regards on behalf of the organizations
Francisco Cerezo Contreras
Coordinator of the Comité Cerezo México

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