March 6, 2024 – From Peace Brigades International (Canada)
The PBI-Mexico Project has tweeted: “Thank you very much @comitecerezo for always opening the doors to us to discuss the context of #human rights in Mexico and sharing these moments of exchange.”
Muchas gracias @comitecerezo por abrirnos siempre las puertas para dialogar acerca del contexto de #DDHH en México y compartir estos momentos de intercambio.
— Peace Brigades International-México (@PBI_Mexico) February 28, 2024
This followed the Comite Cerezo tweeting: “Grateful for the visit of the volunteers of the Peace Brigades International @PBI_Mexico have a good stay in our country.”
On the day of the PBI-Mexico visit, the Comite Cerezo posted: “Once again it is time to return to the issue of the Genocide against the Palestinian people, the number of victims is already more than double that of November, the last time we talked about the subject, it went from 12,000 to almost 30,000 people, human beings, women and children mostly who have been killed by the Zionist policy of the Government of Israel.”
#EnVivo ¡La voz del pueblo no puede ser silenciada! #MiradasCríticas 37: ¿La derecha se reagrupa ¿Y la izquierda? #Pacomentarios #LaVozDeFragua: A 5 años de #MORENA, Balance de la #4T #CherryTV #ComitéCerezo
— Comité Cerezo México (@comitecerezo) February 21, 2024
Video: Comite Cerezo commentary.

They then highlight the positions taken by several countries at the International Court of Justice public hearing on a case based on the UN General Assembly’s request for an advisory opinion on legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in Occupied Palestinian Territory:
“The first to speak was the Palestinian representative, who said at the beginning of his participation that he was there while 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza, half of them children, are besieged and bombed, killed and massacred, starved and displaced.
It was followed by South Africa, whose state filed a complaint with the same International Court of Justice in December accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, South Africa highlighted a parallel between the apartheid suffered by South Africa and that suffered by the Palestinian people.
Chile, Algeria, Bolivia, Colombia and Brazil criticized Israel and its Zionist policy, Cuba went further and stressed the responsibility of the United States in supporting Zionism and providing it with weapons to continue murdering Palestinians.”
They further highlight: “Unfortunately Mexico did not participate; Mexican humanism is not enough to establish a just position in the face of this ongoing genocide”
Their full commentary can be read at Who really defends Palestine?